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clean technology 2008

4 Ocak 2011 Salı

15 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba

Cleantech Ventures

Nanotech Ventures

About Clean Technology Ventures

An ideal forum for “seed” to “early-stage” companies to showcase their technologies, market advantages, and to search for funding. Selected companies give 10 minute presentations, and benefit from on-site networking with the Clean Technology Ventures Vetting Team, corporate capital, venture capital and multi-sector investment attendees.

Nanotechnology Ventures

Clean Technology Ventures is co-located with, and programmed in collaboration with the and meetings. Join the world’s largest Nanotech Venture, IP and Partnering Forum!

Companies selected by the are given 15 minutes to present and will have on-site networking with the TechConnect 2008 Vetting Team, corporate capital, venture and multi-sector investment attendees all reviewing from the audience.

Participation is limited to the top 200 vetted/scored companies and all presenting company officials must be registered TechConnect 2008 attendees.

Nanotech Early Stage Company


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